310 N. 13th St.
Harlingen, TX 78550
Email Elvia Loera
Phone: (956) 430-9527
Fax: (956) 430-4075
Health Services

Elvia Loera

Norma Pina
Health Services Secretary
Email Norma Pina
Phone: (956) 430-9527
Fax: (956) 430-4075

At Harlingen CISD, we understand that students are our most valuable asset. As a result, HCISD provides a full-time nurse at each campus. In addition, an RN and LVN team are provided at each high school. Our Health Services Team recognizes that the health of children impacts the quality of their education, and we strive to assist each student in achieving optimal health.
Roles & Responsibilities
The school nurse serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community, and healthcare providers to advocate for student health and a healthy school environment.
School nursing is a professional, registered nursing specialty that involves identification, assessment, prevention, and intervention to remedy or modify students' health needs. The nurse's goal is to promote the optimum health of students and the each student's ability to achieve their individual educational goals.
Nurses monitor required immunizations, perform mandated health screenings, track communicable diseases, plan for emergencies, and provide direct care to students.
We would like to assure you that medical information about your child is treated as confidential by the nurses and all school staff. We do not share information about your child with outside parties nor can we discuss health concerns of any other student with you.